You are ready to do some serious thinking about homeschooling.

You don’t know where to start. Maybe you are withdrawing your student from public school. You aren’t sure how to homeschool.

You are totally overwhelmed.

Click on the steps to learn how I can help!

Ready??? Let’s discuss the basic options of homeschooling

You may have never considered homeschooling before, or maybe you have been thinking about it for a while. The basics of how to homeschool made be unclear. I will walk you through the big choices ( Is a parent doing the teaching? Do you need a virtual school?), and the little (Can my kids take science together, or do I have to teach it 3 times?). You will fill out a questionnaire and we will have a video conference or phone call to talk through all the information.

Set? Time to choose your curriculum.

At this point, you will have made the BIG decision. I will guide you through the curriculum selection process so that you will not feel so overwhelmed. I will gather more information about you and your students before I start digging. When I am done, you will have a suggested list of curriculum options for each subject area that you can choose from. These recommendations will be targeted to your family based on what I have learned about you since the “Ready” step. We’ll wrap this step up with a call/ video chat to review your recommendations document.

GO!!! You. Are. Homeschooling!

With all your curriculum selected, you are ready to do this. But because change can be hard, I can provide coaching every 4-6 weeks for the first year. We will set up check-in calls on a schedule and talk about how things are going and what you might need assistance with. You will also get access to my private Facebook group, where you will find lots of tips, as well as a place to leave questions for me.